Sunday, March 18, 2012

Miss you

So I know it has been awhile since my last post... Alas- spring break (sigh)
So my kids wanted to go back to our hometown (which is 5 hours away) to spend time with family and friends. This was the first time ever that my toots would be spending away from me, so I tried to prepare her with the fact that I couldn't just swoop in and pick her up. She assured me that she truly did want to go and she would be fine. Well needless to say, she called 2 days later- crying- saying how much she missed her bed, her home and her mama. I felt like a horrible mom. Yes, I cut their vacation short by 3 days... To which scarlette says, "mom- I'll never leave you again!"
Oh boy!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Last night, as I was putting the girls to bed, I gave them hugs and kisses, tucked them in and said goodnight. Toots asked (like she does every night) "what tomorrow is it?" Monday, I answered... "do I have school?" "no, it's president's day... You're off tomorrow." that made her happy. Then she asks,"do you have work tomorrow?" "yes, honey. Mama doesn't get to have president's day off."
She looks me dead in the eye and says,"well when you leave, don't just sneak off like you did last time! You gotta say bye and give me a kiss!" surprised, I told her that she was asleep when I left and I wasn't trying to sneak off... But toots told me to wake her up and let her know I was leaving.
I was unaware I had to check in and out with a tiny guard, lol...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

'til my heart stops

Another valentines day has come and gone. For me, it was just like any other day. I got the kids up and ready for school, made sure they had everything they needed, and dropped them off. I, then, went on my merry way to work. To my boss's amazement, we were really slow. (I mean, come on! Unless it's a holiday that people close down for, it's still a work day!) yeah, pretty normal, average day. At the end of the afternoon, when I picked the kids up and asked how their valentines day went, toots asked how mine was. I told her that I was a good day just like any other day. She looked at me and said, "mom, I love you til my heart stops...." then she smiled and said, "that's a lot of love!"
Yes it is, my love! Yes it is! :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thanks a lot!

My hair is very thin, so when it gets any longer than my shoulders it starts to look really scraggly and stringy. That being said- I decided it was time to cut my hair so that it would look healthier and more full. I told my hairdresser that she could whatever she wanted. She opted to give me a sort of asymmetrical cut, shorter in the back, longer in the front. The back sort of looked like a crescent moon. When I got home, I asked angel if she liked it. She looked my hair over, then looked me in the eye and said, "it's uneven and it looks stupid." upon seeing the hurt look on my face- she asks, "well would you rather I LIE?!"
no, I don't want her lying. I value her honesty and hope it is something that sticks with her throughout her life! Guess I'll be getting it straightened out soon... :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

No other toots like you

Yesterday was one of my coworkers last day. She is moving states, so the office threw her a going away party. It was my day off so I had star and toots with me when I stopped in to say my goodbyes to her. My boss has a super cute son, who has the brightest blue eyes and fiery red hair. He is 2 years old. Toots shared her grapes with him and gave him a cookie. The little boy told me how he exercises with his mama in the morning, how he got a booboo while he was with his papa, and how he hides in the closet to scare his daddy. We didn't stay very long, star had homework she had to finish up. As I put toots into her carseat, she looks at me full of worry and asks me, "do you like him more than me?" "who?" I ask in return. "that little boy in there... Do you like him more than me?" I answer, "of course not! I might like him, but I LOVE you! You are my most favorite toots in the whole wide world!!" my little toots got the biggest smile on her face, gave me a big hug and said she loved me too and I was her most favorite mama in the whole wide world! <3

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Not so peachy

So I have to admit that I, too have bad days. You know, days where nothing seems to be going your way and you feel frustrated? Yeah I was having one of those days! I had to work this weekend and the last thing I wanted to come home to was a messy house. I mean, sometimes I wish my kids would just clean up without having to be told. But alas, I came home to "hurricane kids".... Messy house, stickers all over the floor, dishes still in the sink, laundry not put away.... Ughh! Yes, this put me in an instant bad mood. So as I start to empty the dishwasher, toots comes down stairs to help. Normally I appreciate her helping me but, again, I wasn't very happy and she wasn't moving as fast as I wanted her too. "hey toots, can you just please go inside?" "but I'm helping you, mama." so I tell her,"yes, I know, but mama is not very happy right now because kids don't want to help clean and mama has to come home and clean everything." to which she looks up at me all wide-eyed and innocent, and tells me, "I picked up all my stickers."
That brings a smile to my face, "yes you did, baby :) thank you."

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm a messy what?!

I am teaching toots to clean up after herself. She is a big girl and I don't need to be cleaning her dishes from the table anymore. So after breakfast today, I tell her, "I'm going to throw my trash and put my dishes away because I don't wanna be a messy....." I was thinking 'messy-Jesse, messy-bessie' something along that nature... Toots finishes my sentence with "...gorilla!" lol! Yes, darling- we don't wanna be messy gorillas! Now go clean your plate! :D